Sunday, June 12, 2016

Time to finish off the Rolling Cutter / Double Attack Guillotine Cross

Finally decided I will max out the Hit based GX I have, due to the numbers you can create with this build being so gloriously high. I hope to finish off my gears soon and hit 200k on Nightmare Amon Ra! Here's what we have so far:

I still need the STR boots & to make some FS RWC rings with Gold Scaraba cards, as well as the Force3 BDM. I did get the Wakwak FAW so one step closer! Meanwhile, I continue to level this character in NCT through bounty boards and Timeholder MVP. More videos of that to come!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    If you change bako for RWC FS and a full atk FAW, can you still reach 193 ASPD?

    And one more question Atk% or FS is better on RWC and Nab's?
    Thank you :D
