Back again with another Biolabs adventure, this time I have two videos for you! The first, is my GX getting a Guillotine Katar from Wolchev's Lab MVP Turn-in quest.
The next video is me taking a risk and enchanting that Katar, made it into a handy guide for anyone who's never enchanted in Biolabs before.
Welcome back! Up again with a new video from this morning, GX vs Fenrir MVP. This is the final contestent of the Geffen Magic Tournament which was recently added to iRO Chaos server (about a year ago now?). Most of it is quite boring up until the last two contestants. The cool thing about this instance is that they took this from early on in the Ragnarok Manhwa and introduced it into the game (12 years later?! haha).
Not sure why but I forgot to record the mini-boss previous to Fenrir who is difficult as well, though I'll have to catch that next time. Hope you enjoy! Check out this page for music credits.
Hello All! Thanks for stopping in again and apologies for the delay in posting, real life has taken over but this weekend I have found some time to play and write!
This is a video I actually recorded a few weeks ago, and if you're subscribed to me on YouTube, you may have already seen it.
In the video above, I have just opened the final room of the MVP summoning instance. In this instance, you have a random chance at all of the Bio3/4 MVP's - there doesn't seem to be a way to tell which, so in the video, this is a lucky guess. I guessed it would be Gypsy or Clown and already have an Earth element assigned to my weapon by using an elemental converter scroll. Once she spawns, a quick dark claw and crit is all it takes. (If you crit for 170k =P)
Hello again! Thanks for stopping in - this is the first take of a new weekly show I will be doing (hopefully). This will usually run between 7-9 PM EST on Wednesday's --- more than likely it will be 8PM-9PM.
What I am doing here is trolling around War of Emperium, the siege style PvP war between all guilds on the server for control over castles and the loot they contain. I will try to advise of as many tips as possible and keep it interesting with the commentary. Enjoy!
Here is another, very challenging recent addition to the Ragnarok Online Instance library. Faceworm's Nest! This instance is comprised of 5 rounds, 4 mini-bosses and one of the most serious MVP's the game can offer. Faceworm Queen.
This MVP introduced a new gear, which further improved the Guillotine Cross class. Faceworm Queen Leg [2], with the highest attack and magic attack in game for a dagger class weapon.
During these rounds, you face different challenges that will help you prepare for the final boss. These include Explosive Timer Mines, Indefensible Poison Clouds, Quadruple Waterball Attack and spawning of Egg's that release deadly minions.
The Queen will use all of these mechanics you've learned along the way against you, so be prepared, and bring many changes of clothes (and possibly underwear).
With Golden Theifbug Shield
Without Golden Theifbug Shield
Once she is defeated, you are rewarded with 2 Giant Faceworm Snake Skins, which are either slotted or not slotted, refined between +0~+11 and can have 0~3 enchantments with the maximum single enchantment of any state being +7. A perfect garment would look like +11 GFSS SpecialDex Dex+7 Dex+7.
The only way to get high enchants and refines is to kill the queen faster. Anything under 3 minutes usually gets you something nice!
With the proper gear, planning and execution, this instance is entirely solo-able on Geneticist, Guillotine Cross, and a well-geared Rune Knight. Let me know if you've beaten it on anything else and share your tips!
Here is one of many small instances added to Ragnarok Online in recent years (Yes, they're still developing after more than 12 years!). This is one of the few, if not only instance that offers a Hard Mode....and well....It's actually really freakin hard. There is also a Normal Mode I recorded a long time ago.
The basic concept of the instance is that there are 10 Drains that will be opening every minute, you have to close each drain by clicking on it - which begins a 10 second loading bar. During this time, you can't move, use items or be hit by anything or it will disrupt your closure. If you're disrupted or cannot kill the creatures/find/close the drain in time you're left with a Contaminated Seaweed (basically a Negative point. Hit -6 and you're done, instance is over, no boss for you). Close 5 drains and you unlock the MVP spawn, which is one of two MVPs. Violent and MutantCoelacanth.
This video explains the process of summoning the MVP Ktullanux, a mid-high tier MVP who is not naturally spawned in game - but rather requires a quest to be done to summon him. He can only be summoned once every 2:00 Hours with a server-wide delay.
The goal to killing him is to stack water resistance and push for the highest DPS possible to try to lower his health enough before he dispells you. The best defense on a GX is to use Hallucination Walk before fighting him, though not required if DPS is high enough.
To complete the Ice Necklace Quest necessary to summon Ktullanux, follow This Guide
Another quick stream on Youtube! In this video I am back again on the DD Crit GX. In this session we take on Egnigem Cenia and Evil Snake Lord.
These two Mid Tier MVP's who pack quite a punch damage wise, on the fragile little flower that is my Zipdisc (My GX's name in game - his technology is not obsolete!) Enjoy!
Here's the first stream I did on YouTube. This is a quick session of killing an MVP in Ragnarok Online. For those of you not familiar with the game, an MVP creature is a special type of boss creature that awards an MVP to the player who deals the most damage to it and receives the most damage from it.
The player who is the MVP receives an MVP award item and their name on the tomb where it died (In Renewal Type Servers). The loot however, has a different calculation we will discuss later. The MVP in this video is RSX-0806, a mid-tier MVP.
RSX himself is not very deadly when you first arrive to him, hitting you with various attacks that are easily countered. He does mostly neutral damage, so use a Raydric or Deviling carded garment, he also uses Break Weapon, so make sure to FCP or use an Axe or Mace (I don't worry about weapon breakers on my GX, since I don't fight them long). One thing you need to watch out for, is that he will Earth Quake Level 5 at low HP, so be ready to kill him in under 6 seconds, or get out of there when you see the 1 second cast bar!
In this video I am using a Guillotine Cross with Dual-Dagger Critical type build, a very complex and expensive build to create - but has the highest single target DPS (Damage-per-second) in game currently. One I love and.....sometimes play!